Almost exactly a year ago I fell in love with Hélène Druvert's first picture book in the Up, Up and Away series, Paris. I'm so excited that Hélène has created a second book in the series (publishing today!) called Mary Poppins. Each book features eight lasercut images amidst printed pages, intricately and intimately detailing a magical story that carry readers through a bustling city.
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January 31, 2017
January 29, 2017
Do not open Deborah Marcero's gorgeous new picture book Rosie & Crayon unless you're ready for a heart-wrenching, honest tale of a girl and her best canine friend. I mean it. Grab some tissues first. But once you ARE ready, this book will stay with you for a lifetime.
January 27, 2017
Multicultural Children's Book Day 2017
Today is an exciting day in the children's book world! It's Multicultural Children's Book Day, and that means there are posts all over social media celebrating multiculturalism in children's books. I'm excited to join in this year to talk about Valarie Budayr and Michael Welply's Dragons Are Real, especially because author Valarie Budayr is one of the co-founders of MCBD.
January 25, 2017
If Beyond the Pond magically and mysteriously didn't convince you how talented author-illustrator Joseph Kuefler is, his second picture book Rulers of the Playground definitely will. One morning Jonah steps onto the ladder of the playground declares himself the ruler of the land. Everyone agrees to obey Jonah except for Lennox, who decides that she wants to be the ruler of the playground instead.
January 24, 2017
If a Tree Falls in the Forest...
The United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization claims that an estimated 18 million acres of forest are lost each year due to deforestation. It's not a common topic in children's picture books, but there is an exceptional bunch that handles the subject in a relatable and creative way. Each book highlights how deforestation displaces animals, plants, and indigenous peoples and proves that the endless cycle of violence toward nature begs a need for wider awareness on the topic.
January 22, 2017
Margarash, written by Mark Riddle and illustrated by Tim Miller, is unlike any book I've read in a long time. It's quirky, creepy, and impressive in how much adventure and suspense is packed in. At it's heart, Margarash is a folk tale, telling the story of a boy named Collin who collects coins and refuses to listen to his parents about the legendary Margarash, a monster who also collects coins and pulls people deep into the couch should they try to steal them.
January 17, 2017
Let's Talk Illustrators #12: David Litchfield
The Bear and the Piano holds a special place in my heart. David Litchfield's story about a bear's search for happiness rings true in its sincerity and attention to detail, and Bear's desire to find his place in the world without letting others down is relatable and touching.
But I'll let David do the talking...
But I'll let David do the talking...
In this post we talk about
-Let's Talk Illustrators-,
acrylic paints,
digital media,
watercolor paints
January 10, 2017
While I'm traveling, I thought I'd do a post on world maps. It's easy for children's map books to be flat, saccharine, and unengaging, so the picture books that go the extra mile with stunning visuals and inviting text immediately stand out.
In this post we talk about
acrylic paints,
digital media,
mixed media,
trim size
January 9, 2017
All the Wonders of A POEM FOR PETER
A Poem for Peter is a picture book from author Andrea Davis Pinkney that revels in the extraordinary life of Ezra Jack Keats, creator of The Snowy Day, and reaffirms that those who pursue their dreams can inspire generations of dreamers. Visit All the Wonders for an interview with the author, a look inside the book, and information on the Ezra Jack Keats foundation!
January 6, 2017
Let's Talk Illustrators #11: Chris Appelhans
A Greyhound, a Groundhog, written by Emily Jenkins and illustrated by Chris Appelhans is an ode to wordplay. The text plays on itself so that you find yourself tripping over every word as you read it aloud, and the illustrations breathe life into the words on the page. Not only do we read around and around, but we see it, too, in the form of the groundhog and greyhound chasing each other. The level of energy in this book is unparalleled, and I'm thrilled to have had a chance to interview Chris about his process.
January 3, 2017
Ciao for Now!
I'm super excited to say that I'm going to be traveling to Thailand for a few weeks! I'm hoping to come back with lots of new picture books and exposure to a culture I wouldn't otherwise experience if it weren't for this trip!
In the meantime, I have a few posts ready to go for you that will come out while I'm gone, including a few interviews, and I'll be back to talk picture books--hopefully a few of which will be from Thailand--in a bit!
In the meantime, I have a few posts ready to go for you that will come out while I'm gone, including a few interviews, and I'll be back to talk picture books--hopefully a few of which will be from Thailand--in a bit!

January 2, 2017
#kidlitpicks December Round-Up: 15 Picture Books about Celebrating
December was a season of being merry and jolly. Did you reflect on the year that was and celebrate your triumphs? Was the Christmas tree up at your place? Or were you preparing for Hanukkah? Omisoka? Kwanzaa? St Lucia Day? How do you expose your children to diverse celebrations?
During December the @kidlitpicks book club featured books about celebrating. Thanks to Shannon from Oh Creative Day for the beautiful theme!
During December the @kidlitpicks book club featured books about celebrating. Thanks to Shannon from Oh Creative Day for the beautiful theme!