I don't know if it's all the hype around Stars Wars, all of the space-themed board games I've been playing lately, or just my secret desire to explore the stars myself, but the idea of space and time travel is popping up in all of my books lately, especially my comics. It makes sense to explore the Final Frontier here as we step into the new year, so without further ado, here are five books (some of which have already published, some of which are publishing soon!) about time and space travel!
Written by Mark Siegel and Alexis Siegel, and illustrated by Xanthe Bouma, Matt Rockefeller, and Boya Sun
The Five Worlds are on the brink of extinction unless five ancient and mysterious beacons are lit. But, as is always the case, that's much easier said than done. As a five-world war threatens to erupt, Oona Lee, the clumsiest student at the Sand Dancer Academy, An Tzu, a boy from the slums with a knack for getting out of sticky situations, and Jax Amboy, a star athlete who is beloved by an entire galaxy, are quickly pushed together to save their family and friends. But just as quickly as they realize there's more to the war than they initially thought, so, too, do they realize that there's more to each of their abilities as well.
Castle in the Stars: The Space Race of 1869
Written and illustrated by Alex Alice
Written and illustrated by Alex Alice
This historical fantasy adventure assumes that man journeyed into space in 1869 and not 1969, beginning with Claire Dulac and her hot air balloon flight toward the edge of the stratosphere. One year after his mother disappears in her hot air balloon while looking for the mysterious element known as aether, her son Seraphin and husband Archibald find themselves thrown into a fast-paced and dangerous series of events that leads them closer to better understanding Claire and her mission to conquer the stars.
Star Scouts
Written and illustrated by Mike Lawrence
Written and illustrated by Mike Lawrence
Poor Avani. She's just moved to a new town, everyone in school thinks she's weird, and finding her footing is just difficult in general. So joining the local Flower Scouts troop is quite far down on her list of things to do. And why should she want to join anyway when all they talk about is boys, boys, boys? But when Avani is "accidentally" abducted, Avani becomes privy to a whole new world, complete with aliens, teleportation, and jetpack racing. Avani suddenly finds herself forgetting about school and the Flower Scouts in favor of her new troop the Star Scouts. Now she just has to survive Camp Andromeda and keep her dad from discovering that she's left planet Earth...
Time Shifters
Written and illustrated by Chris Grine
Written and illustrated by Chris Grine
A few months after his brother passes away, Luke is still trying to make sense of everything. His brother died trying to save him, and Luke has terrible survivor's guilt. So when he notices and investigates an eerie blue glow in the woods behind his house, he has no idea that he is about to discover his purpose here on Earth. And ironically his purpose is to time travel BETWEEN worlds! After he accidentally straps on a time-travelling device, Luke finds himself on the wrong end of a manhunt, accompanied by a scientist, a robot Abraham Lincoln, a friendly dinosaur, and a sarcastic ghost. But will he be trapped in this weird alternate reality forever?
Wires and Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue
Written and illustrated by Molly Knox Ostertag
Written and illustrated by Molly Knox Ostertag
The second book in the Lunar Chronicle series is here and it isn't pulling punches. Iko and Queen Cinder are tasked with hunting down the rogue band of bioengineered wolf-soldiers who threaten to undo the tenuous peace agreement between Earth and Luna. The wolf-soldiers firmly believe Cinder has the technology to reverse their mutations and threaten to massacre the innocent people of Earth until their demands are met. And this time they're taking hostages. This series is on my list of year-round favorites, and the coolest part is that each book has a new illustrator!

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