As I get more entrenched in the world of children's comics, I find myself wanting to talk about them more, too. But I actually want to talk about them, not just write about them. So I'm doing something about it! I'm teaming up with Matthew Winner, host of The Children's Book Podcast, to talk about how comics work and why we love them so much. We'll choose interesting looking comics, chat about them, and then share our conversations and observations with you. We hope it'll be a useful resource for those of you looking to discuss comics with your own young readers.
Our inaugural conversation is about the first book in Jen Breach and Douglas Holgate's soon-to-be released series Clem Hetherington and the Ironwood Race. The book is designed for middle school readers, and Matthew is hosting our first chat so click here to read our thoughts (and leave some of your own)!

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