When You're Scared by Andrée Poulin and Véronique Joffre is the story of compassion and bravery set against the backdrop of a chance encounter between a boy and a bear.
Told in parallel storylines, When You're Scared tells the story of a boy and his mother who are camping while a bear and her cub are searching for food in the nearby woods. The two storylines collide when the boy finds the mama bear sniffing around a dumpster because her cub is trapped inside. He races back to his campsite to tell his mom, and the two humans find a way to safely rescue the cub from the dumpster and reunite him with his mom.
Though the book has text, it's sparse, and many of the spreads are completely wordless. It allows the story to pack more of an emotional punch as readers use their detective skills to interpret the expressions and body language of the characters. The illustrations are set against stark-white backgrounds to help lighten the magnitude of the situation the four characters find themselves in, and while the color palette of the book isn't traditionally neon, there is representation of almost every color under the rainbow with many neon highlights.
When You're Scared published from Owl Kids last week.

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