Journey Around the Sun: The Story of Halley's Comet by James Gladstone and Ya'ara Eshet takes readers through time and space from the point of view of Halley's Comet.
For thousands of years, people have looked up at Halley's Comet, but what does Halley's Comet see when it looks back? Told through the eyes of Halley's Comet with facts scattered throughout the spreads, it ponders its own existence and how it fits into the greater scheme of things. It muses about how it has seen our past and will see our future and about how its relationship with humankind has evolved as science has evolved. What role will Halley's Comet play as we start adventuring into space?
The illustrations were created with watercolors and inks, and Eshet sticks with a palette of dark blues and purples for the night sky, and oranges and yellows, for Halley's Comet (complementary colors, respectively). The use of watercolor adds a certain softness to the illustrations that allows Eshet to simultaneously capture the vastness of space and the intricacies of the comet itself. And all with a level of precision that rivals Halley's Comet itself.

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