How to Say Hello to a Worm: A First Guide to Outside by Kari Percival is a gorgeous guide to exploring the garden in a respectful and gentle way.
How do you plant lettuce seeds, or say hello to a worm, or make mud? Through alternating spreads readers learn how to interact with nature and all the creatures found in the garden, as well as how to give back to nature by planting seeds and growing food locally. At the back of the book are tips for kids and grown-ups on gardening and, including what to grow and when to plant.
Percival created the illustration with silk screening and woodblock printing, collaged digitally. She wisely focuses on earthy tones, specifically complementary colors green and red, and she includes a lot of brown mud (i.e. the color you get when you combine two complementary colors) in the illustrations. Many spreads heavily feature white space, which complements the visible woodgrain texture and the white spaces between blocks of silk screened color. The book was also printed with a fifth color (neon green), and Percival uses it to accent different parts of the spreads, like clothing or seeds, to make those moments pop off the page.
How to Say Hello to a Worm: A First Guide to Outside published earlier this year from Rise X Penguin Workshop!
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