Summer by Cao Wenxuan and Yu Rong is a lyrical book about the power of kindness.
It's a hot summer day in the grasslands, and seven different animals are racing each other to find the shadiest spot around: under a small leaf on a branch. But although they begin their search for shade as enemies, they soon witness an act of kindness between a passing father and son that inspires them to come together and shade each other.
The cut paper and penciled illustrations are vibrant, and the entire book is beautifully designed. Rong plays with direction a lot as the characters run back and forth across the pages, and the typography is designed such that each animal speaks in a color that matches its own fur or hide. As a bonus, toward the middle of the book the pages are cut short and proceed to grow longer as each animal joins in and shades the rest. And of course, there's that beautiful casewrap to top things off. A sweet tale with impeccable design.
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